Saturday, 27 April 2013

Get the Best Help from Accountant Galway

A popular city in Ireland, Galway has a familiarity for world class accounting service that caters to both individual and businesses people in Galway. Expert accountants help the new business in developing because of its complex nature of financial and legal activities. There are many key elements in any business start up process which the Chartered Accountants take care of. Irrespective of the nature of the firm (limited company, partnership, sole trader), the accountants provide advice to the owner and the management about the effective role of an accountant, a solicitor, and banking personnel in various business operations. If you are on the verge of opening a new company Galway, certified Chartered Accountants can make your ideas turn into a successful business.

They provide services for owner managed business, small business, taxation, grants and raising finance, book keeping, legal advice and complete accounting process. Making difference in your business with experienced Chartered Accountants in Galway, Ireland is now simple and easy. One can take the benefit of these accountants through conduction of compliance audits, preparation of annual financial statements, reporting on risk areas, explanation of the outcome of financial statements and finding new avenues of efficiency gains and profit enhancement. Any licensed accountant in Galway can do investigations and special assignments on behalf of you for banks, shareholders and potential advisors. Galway accountants can really make your business profitable.

Accountants in Galway can do the real business valuation for your entrepreneurship of any kind. Apart from their great quality products and services, your business can have a sales value potential that can help you get benefits even after you retire. All these are taken care of by the accountants in Galway. Business valuation of your company depends on past information, judgement, experience and future projects. The Chartered Accountants you appoint in your business will analyse financial data, business operations, cash flows and tax issues. 

Thursday, 4 April 2013

Low cost Accountant: cost effective and useful

Accounting services are very essential for maintaining your tax files or business- books. But having a perfect accountant is not a very easy job. There are indeed many service providers but a few of them are real experts. Therefore before choosing anyone, you have to know whether the accountant has sufficient technical knowledge and year –long industry experience on the field. But there is a misconception in our mind that a reputed accountant always wants fees that is almost impossible to cover for many small business men or fixed-salaried people. But thanks to the internet. Today we can get Low cost Accountant very easily.

Please don’t think that low cost accountant means an inexperienced accountant without any proper knowledge. Of course it is true that quality comes with a price tag but today the renowned accounting farms are providing real cost effective service. Yes, you have guessed that right. You will have quality service but without any pressure in the wallet.
We cannot deny the simple fact that today insolvency has become a common problem to both individual and company businesses. If you personally feel any problem like this, you have to contact with the experts with vast experience. If you want to judge it from the point of view of Galway, you will find that the experts of Bankruptcy Galway are just at your service round the clock.

The experts are working here on cases of personal insolvency and bankruptcy. They are also experts in dealing with several cases of liquidation.  Keep in mind that liquidation or bankruptcy is a complicated problem and whenever you feel that any problem like this may come to you, don’t hesitate to take advice of the experts.
The situation may be that your company faces liquidation. In this situation the solution may be of three types:1) Members Voluntary Liquidation 2) Creditors voluntary liquidation and 3) compulsory liquidation.

Now if you want solution of voluntary liquidation or anything like that, the experts of Personal Insolvency Galway are just at your service. 

Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Find the Best Recourse for Financial Advice in Galway

At some points of life, we need to seek valuable advices from financial specialists. You will be in urgent need of hiring a financial expert or a chartered accountant in time of new and large investments, before and after retirement, and whenever you need emergency financial advices. Like health issues, financial issues can also be taken control of by taking both preventive and curative measures. Hiring a finance professional is beneficial because they listen, advice, and take charge of your problems. The solution an experienced chartered accountant can provide you can change the course of your personal as well as business finance. A good financial advisor suggests you about present and future planning about your income, saving, and investment as well.

Your present financial condition can be analyzed by counting on your dependents and lifestyle requirements. Factors influencing your financial status and planning depend on personal and economical conditions. Getting Pension Galway is not a challenge. However, one needs to take precaution to avoid any hazard. Prevention plan has to be taken much before retirement. There are pensioner trustees in Galway. One can charge these trustees with the safeguard in the pension scheme assets. This can be progressed in compliance with the Pensions Act 1990. It will be wise for you to choose a trustee that has a proven track record in Galway and its surroundings and must have an expertise in the area of different retirement schemes and pension plans.

Any Investment Galway people do is recorded by the respective investment companies as well as the Government. As investment helps you save tax from your income, consult with an experienced financial advisor in Galway who can decide the right amount of investment and the appropriate investment sector. Getting Financial Advice Galway is available but you have to find a reputed accounting firm that can provide you an expert financial analyst–cum–advisor. Selection of a chartered accountant is a vital decision in one’s life. Take advice for complete solutions on taxation, accounting, liquidation, and investment. Both the professional and personal touch are necessary in dealing with your financial advisors.

Setting Up New Company in Galway Needs an Expert’s Hand

Any new business or start-up company is in high need of business advice from certified chartered accountants. You can definitely appoint an individual accounting expert. However, hiring an experienced chartered accountant from a reputed firm makes your jobs easier. There are many nitty-gritty things involved in initial business development process. Turning a good business idea into a long-term working business needs good investment, good market, reliable manpower, sound business strategies, proper advertisements and PR activities. If you are ready to form a New Company Galway, it is advisable to sit and discuss with a business advisor about your business plan. The entire business planning, legal measures, HR planning, team development and market capturing are the key areas that need strong focus while starting up a new business. The business advisor will help you decide the type of the company you should form. Choice between a partnership company and a limited company depends on benefits and disadvantages of both, execution of business functions, carrying cost of business, rules for employees and establishment of contact with different tax offices. After the business is decided and begun, the primary things your accounting expert must handle are bookkeeping, taxation, small business services, asking for grants, investment and profit margin.

Bookkeeping Galway companies is a common practice that the chartered accountant must handle. Irrespective of the nature of your business as a sole trader, a partnership company, or a limited company or others, keeping reasonable books and records in proper order can help you in successfully continuing the business and meeting the requirements to the Revenue Commissioners. In such bookkeeping service, compliance becomes a vital issue. Getting an accurate and timely service from your accounting experts assures monitoring you core business process and dealing with revenue correspondence. Bookkeeping services include debt collection, payroll preparation, bank reconciliations, accounting data entry, expense processing, sales invoice preparations, processing of VAT returns and recording of purchase invoices.

If you want a tax-free Pension Galway, you must hire a tax accountant expert who can guide you about certain investments before and after retirement. In Ireland, there are certain government rules abiding by which you can reduce tax amount and even make your pension income completely tax-free. Let your accountant review your financial statement and decide the areas of modification. Apply your common sense while investing or buying any asset to make your income after retirement enjoyable. You can also be a member of pension trustees who help people to take decisions in their pre-retirement and post-retirement financial planning.

Monday, 25 February 2013

Reinvent Your Business Strategies through Bank Financing Galway

Ireland is a country where a large amount of commercial activities is in growing stage based on an all-island basis. Popular as a single energy market, this country has been experiencing several business activities for centuries. A province of Connacht and located in the West region of Ireland, Galway city has been found to have a huge economical growth in recent years. If you are into business in Galway, you can do excel by moving in a right business direction based on the country's changing economy. Hiring an expert accountant-cum-business consultant allows you to monitor and maintain your continuous growth. Remember that some financial processes like Revenue Audit Galway must be prepared as per the Government rules to sustain in the industry. If you are not in business but want to setup a start-up firm in Galway very soon, you can develop any of the major businesses indicated below:

• Retail and distribution

• Manufacturing

• Education

• Tourism

• Hospitality

• Healthcare

• Construction

• Financial Services

• Training and Development

Major financial services you might require from expert Galway accountants are:

• Auditing

• Accounting

• Financing

• Liquidation, Insolvency, and Receivership

• Taxation

• Financial Planning

Taking the Right Decision

If you want to do business well, it is better to make things easy and simple first. Use your knowledge and expertise in strengthening your products and services, manpower, in-house communication and client communications well. Appoint such employees who are energetic, willing to learn and experienced. Neither worry for things you do not know, nor do experiment. It is always wise to hire experts for business consultation, legal matters, accounting and taxation.


A proper auditing gives users of the accounts in your business a robust confidence and proving that your business has compliance with regulations. The revenue audit Galway financial service provider do for your company combats with the risks involved with your industry sector. The underlying processes and controls are also reviewed by the accounting service professionals you have hired. The entire process leads to financial reporting, an important part of which includes Annual Accounts Galway chartered accountants are proficient in.


Annual accounts in your firm are the yearly financial records registering all financial transactions. Prepared at the end of the year, the annual accounts are sent the shareholders. You can present your annual accounts in two major parts which are the income statement (profit and loss account) and the balance sheet. The annual accounts are needed certification from an external auditor. If your firm is an incorporated one or a registered company, the annual accounts are needed by law for declaration of definite information. Annual accounts exhibit a fair and honest picture of the firm's financial dealings.

Bank Financing

At times, you may need to seek Bank Financing Galway service for a readymade solution to financial planning for your business. Bank financing may become helpful for:

• Business start-up

• Business expansion

• Business acquisition

• Sale

You need to choose a firm that already has excellent working relationship with several financial institutions and independent professionals.

A few useful bank financing options are given below:

• Personal Loans and Hire purchase

• Bank loans and overdrafts

• Private Investment and Venture capital

• Leasing and contract hiring

• Sales invoice discounting and factoring

Deploy the strategic advice for funding to get your skates on and to help your business reach its true potential.

Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Tax Advise Galway – An Innovative Way to Business Solutions

Financial institutions including chartered accountants, tax experts, lawyers, and auditors in Galway work in various ways to serve individuals, companies, and business groups to meet their professional requirements. Such companies are expert in insolvency matters, accounting, taxation, receiverships, financial planning, auditing to medium sized and small business enterprises. Accounting firms in Galway and its suburbs handle nationwide clients in several disciplines. Referrals and personal recommendations help such business grow with application development in the arena of finance and legal matters. Advancement of information technology and change in accounting and legal processes has renovated the way these companies used to work earlier. You can trust them based on their experience, testimonials, and industry reputation that could not be gained unless they worked hard with success. Receivership Galway accounting firms perform the primary responsibility of a receiver by recovering most of the unpaid loans. Sometimes, it may happen that liquidating the assets of the company in bankruptcy is the best possible way to pay back loans. Assets sold at large discounts make the company out of business. Receivership may be attained by the instruction of bankruptcy courts or creditors for making the downsizing company run. With supreme power of decision, the receiver company needs to manage the received assets.

Tax Advise Galway companies provide their clients are effective in helping them minimizing their taxes. Some common tax advices that these Galway accounting firms are ready with include redundancy services, independent financial advice, business acumen training, tax preparation and planning, business consultancy, and business advisory. Led by qualified tax experts and accounting professionals who have prior experience in dealing with critical matters, these companies offer innovative and integrated financial and tax advisory services which generate high competitions among companies of same genre.

Taxation service includes company tax return, VAT returns, personal tax returns, capital gain tax, taxation consultancy, PRSI/PAYE, and others. Tax Return Galway accounting companies advice their clients income tax preparation, filing, submitting return before the final date, tax efficient investments, business expansion, and others. Business regulations and company tax laws are two vital subjects which every financial accounting companies practice a lot. Expert tax professionals make it a motto to reduce the tax amount of their clients and returning file in time. There is no hard and fast rule to select firm that can serve you the very best. Number of years in market presence along with reputation in dealing with other clients need to be pointed out to choose your financial and legal advisors for receivership, tax advice, tax return, or any other necessities. Online presence of these Galway companies has made communications easier for the person and the companies in need of business advice of various disciplines.

Sunday, 16 December 2012

Accountants Galway is the perfect option for successful business planning

A firm, whether it is a big one or a small one, requires the services of the chartered accountant for many reasons. Galway is one of the most famous cities of Ireland and it is one of the most renowned business hubs. For running out the business more smoothly it is better to call for a professional accountant. An Accountant Galway, who keeps books might not necessary to pass the accountancy test. But for more difficult business requirements it is better to having someone who have better idea and professionally skilled in that particular field.

What is chartered accountancy?

Before getting this service it is important to understand that what specifically a chartered accountant is along with that how they differ from a normal accountant. In order to being a chartered, one should pass the rigorous examination in the country to get the certificate of chartered accountancy. After passing the particular exam the education procedure does not stop. Keeping update information is essential for a Chartered Accountant Galway.

Benefits of hiring professional accountant:

1)     It is better to call for a professional chartered accountant because; they are capable enough to check all        financial details of a firm.
2)  They are strict about their professionalism and that is the main reason that they can keep all vital information in their mind.

Apart from this, having a skilled professional at work, there are some more reasons,-

For the new business, hiring an accountant is essential to develop the success. A professionally skilled person is able to give advice regarding economical planning at the time of starting the new business. Once the business started, Accountants Galway can offer services along with the best possible way to administrate the financial conditions. A professional accountant or a finance developer can suggest whether it is good to buy the essential apparatus for the firm.

An expert accountant is the perfect individual who can run the business which have complex taxes. They can help out in order to improve savings on the taxation by finding all particular areas where the firm can evaluate lower tax rates.

Some business hubs require yearly audit program and an expert accountant can handle these types of requirements. It is not an easy task to hire an auditor for a particular company. When it comes to the matter of company’s growth and expanses it is better to hire a professional accountant to handle financial situation under control. A chartered accountant are qualified enough to provide services about taxes for the maximum growth. On a whole, a professional accountant is a special breed. They are recognized by well known accounting organizations. An accountant has to retain a clean and fresh record with no complaints in his professional life. Each and every business organizations are different and also has assorted needs that is the main reason that every company requires the services of skilled accountants. Securing skilled accounting services for the industry is a cost that achieves cost effects. It also helps to keep the economical commitments on track.